Saturday, February 13, 2010

Three Sisters

I was amazed by this play. When I was sitting in the theatre, waiting for the play to start, I was wondering how they could possibly act towards all four sides of the audience at once, but there wasn't a problem at all. It seemed incredibly natural for them to have people all around them. There was only one time when I saw someone actually trying to be seen by all four sides, the rest of the time it was a natural thing.

The costumes and the props were great, though sometimes it seemed they were crudely put together. (like the beds). The broken bed was somewhat of a distraction because instead of paying attention to the audience, I was constatly wondering if the bed was going to fall apart.

The acting was really really well done. Everything from being happy and laughing to sad and cring seemed very real. We could really get a sense of what was going on with these characters and how they were feeling. There were some parts where they forgot or missed a few lines, but if I hadn't just read the play a few days before I wouldn't have a clue. They stumbled a bit around the missed lines but didn't trip up very bad.

This play wasn't one that perticulary iterested me, though I beleive they made it very interesting. All in all, I was very impressed by the play, especially the talent of the actors and actresses.

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