Saturday, January 23, 2010

Pantoum: I hope you know

I hope you know that I love you
Forever yours I’ll be
We've struggled in the past, but
A happy ending awaits us still

Forever yours I’ll be
We haven’t had the easiest time but
A happy ending awaits us still
Because you restored my faith

We haven’t had the easiest time but
When we met, it was love at first sight
Because you restored my faith
That love can be enough

When we met, It was love at first sight
You showed me a new world and made be believe
That love can be enough
Strong enough to overcome all

You showed me a new world and made me believe
I was important,
Strong enough to overcome all
We were meant to be

I was important,
I was yours and you were mine
We were meant to be
Nothing could come between us

I was yours and you were mine
Together, we could accomplish anything
Nothing could come between us
We created a new home, a new life

Together, we could accomplish anything
We were inseparable
We created a new home, a new life
But we rushed

We were inseparable
Stuck together
But we rushed
Built our house before the foundation was solid

Stuck together
Reality hit, we’d
Built our house before the foundation was solid
And it came crashing down

Reality hit, we’d
Rushed into this
And it came crashing down
Neither of us were ready

Rushed into this
Unprepared were we
Neither of us were ready
To commit, to care for another

Unprepared were we
You wanted to be free, not
To commit, to care for another
I was lost, hurt and confused

You wanted to be free, not
To love me
I was lost, hurt and confused
When you told me to leave

To love me
It was too much
When you told me to leave
You shoved me back into the world alone

It was too much
I couldn’t handle the pain, the loss
You shoved me back into the world alone
And I became lost in the dark

I couldn’t handle the pain, the loss
Days bleed into weeks
And I became lost in the dark
I thought about you and cried myself to sleep

Days bleed into weeks
I’d lost my will to carry on
I thought about you and cried myself to sleep
Nothing mattered anymore, No one understood

I’d lost my will to carry on
I was told that time would heal all, but I didn’t believe it
Nothing mattered anymore, No one understood
I floated on in a deep fog

I was told that time would heal all, but I didn’t believe it
Time went on
I floated on in a deep fog
And eventually things started to look up

Time went on
I started to get out of bed again
And eventually things started to look up
I met new friends, found a new job

I started to get out of bed again
The fog was fading and sunshine coming back
I met new friends, found a new job
But there was still something missing

The fog was fading and the sunshine coming back
Life was worth living again
But there was still something missing
You still found your way into my dreams

Life was worth living again
I never forgot you
You still found your way into my dreams
My heart was still yours

I never forgot you
Even after meeting other guys
My heart was still yours
Even though I knew you’d never come back

Even after meeting other guys
I dreamed of the day you’d call
Even though I knew you’d never come back
I still love you

I dreamed of the day you’d call
How I longed to hear you say
I still love you
Time went by without a word

How I longed to hear you say
You wanted me back
Time went by without a word
Then I couldn’t believe what I was hearing

You wanted my back
You loved me still
Then I couldn’t believe what I was hearing
On the phone when you called me that day

You loved me still
My heart was about to burst
On the phone when you called me that day
I couldn’t stop laughing, couldn’t stop crying

My heart was about to burst
Every emotion pulsed through my body
I couldn’t stop laughing, couldn’t stop crying
You’d come back to me

Every emotion rushed through my body
I was ecstatic, yet livid with anger
You’d come back to me
I didn’t know what to do, what to think

I was ecstatic, yet livid with anger
You’d hurt me more than ever before
I didn’t know what do to, what to think
Trust was lost, and it’s not earned back easily

You’d hurt me more than ever before
What would stop you from leaving again?
Trust was lost, and it’s not earned back easily
My head told me to run, but my heart wanted you badly

What would stop you from leaving again?
You promised to stay and make things right
My head told me to run, but my heart wanted you badly
Even through all of the anger, my love was still strong

You promised to stay and make things right
I agreed to give you a second chance
Even through all of the anger, my love was still strong
We were always meant to be together

I agreed to give you a second chance
Neither of us take this lightly
We were always meant to be together
But starting over isn’t going to be easy

Neither of us take this lightly
We shared our feelings about the past
But starting over isn’t going to be easy
Neither of us are going to giving up

We shared our feelings about the past
It will take a long time to forgive
Neither of us are going to giving up
Our happy ending is still out there

It will take a long time to forgive
We’ve struggled in the past, but
Our happy ending is still out there
I hope you know how much I love you

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