Wednesday, March 24, 2010

What to listen for(Adolphe)

I have to admit, not having too much of a music background, I feel a little in over my head reguarding some of this. A chord you can't play? broken vs flat? arpeggio? However, I feel that I can relate some of this to art and therefore understand a little better. I really agree with "technique merely serves the ear, the inmagination. It is not an end but a means." I drove my art teacher in HS crazy with breaking all the "rules" and "techniques" and still producing worth-while paintings. To me, they are merely guidelines or tips.

However, by far my favorite part of this was "understanding isoften a matter of noticing and naming. Inspiration is often a matter of seeing without naming." While I beleive there is more to understanding than this, and inspiration is not quite seeing w/o naming... I think it's an interesting way of defining then two terms. Even though I don't necessacarily agree, I can appriciate the definitions.

As far as the poem (?) I don't really have too much to say. I like the part where he says a peice seems boring when the ideas are repetive/commonplace. This can be true for anything. But when we give them significance or associate them with meaning, they are metaphors for somthing meaningful.

This is alittle off topic, but I think it relates. Most music, to me, is simply music. I have everything from classical to the beatles to pat benatar to AFI and the sound of music on my ipod (those are what has played since I started reading Adolph) and most of it is simply music. It's entertaining, some of it's even boring. However, a song like "The moment I said it" or "landslide" come on and I'm no longer living in the present but back in my memories. Both of these songs have quite a history with me, and they bring back images from different times, even thoughts and emotions. The lights of a big empty stage, the nervousness of my first ever solo riffle toss (winterguard compitition) and even the face of my little sister right before we started.

I know that's ramboly and probably only makes since to me (at least at the end) but.... I though I'd put my (rather incoherent) thoughts out there for everyone else.

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