Sunday, April 25, 2010

Deirdre of the Sorrows

Well... I think I enjoyed this. I don't really have much to compare it to, so I don't really know how I feel about it. The only other ballets I've been to were on elementry school field trips to big ballets in Denver. This was nothing like that.

I am not a fan of modern dance. Maybe it's cause I don't know anything about it, but I just don't get it. I felt that none of the dancers were together, like they were all doing the same thing, but didn't practice enough to get their timing and bodies to match. I think if it were a more traditional ballet, with more percise dancing, I would have enjoyed it more.

I felt that the story was interesting, but it felt like someone telling a story, not like we were actually experiencing it. I suppose this is because of the narrator. However, I think it's true because it seems the author tried to tell too much of the story. We didn't really need to endings? I think he should have picked one and used it because I feel it was really a bad way of ending the show. It seemed like it was all climatic and then it just died at the end. Rather than showing a seen and then telling us about it, the dances could be elabroated and the talking could go on at the same time to make it less chopy.

Also, the modern elements mixing like the slideshow mixed with the old time feel of the play in a way that didn't work for me. It was too much of a contrast and I didn't get the point of it.

The music was very good, I liked the style and compoisition and it was played very well.

I feel like, had I not known what was going to happen, I wouldn't have understood. My boyfriend went with me and he didn't get the ending at all. He didn't get that she dove off into a rock and killed herself.
All in all, I liked it, but there were a few things that didn't really work for me, such as the slideshow, the awkard ending, etc.

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