Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Well I don't know too much about dance, and I know very very little about writing dance, I feel I have learned enough in this class to make some connections to other things. First, I was immediately reminded of when we talked about inspiration and creative processes earler on. She says the idea of a creation arises within her. This idea, she says, already contains it's own ideas about development and such. I take this to ber her "inspiration" and ideas about a peice.

One of the other authours said the creation was the easy part, the idea was the hard part. I beleive this could be true for Wigman as well. The dance seems to flow once she starts.

Wighman says her dance is somewhere between abstract and concrete. I find it intersting she says it's not abstract becasue its orgin is not in he mind. I find, from my limited experience with dance, that a dancer's mind seems to work differently. To explain this, I want to use an example from the video we saw at the International Film Series. Lili, in the movie was a dancer. She worked threw things and solved them with her body, her dance. Rather than with her mind, like I would do. Along the same topic, she (wigman) also says that her idea is not to interpert emotions. These basic emotions are not descriptive enough to explain the dance, their not fluid enough.

She reiterates my idea that dancers minds work differntly when she says that it's always been the most natural way to express her ideas threw pure movement.

The next thing I want to bring up from Wignman's essay is slighly harder for me, not having a dance background. She says although she has written another dance to preexisting music. She writes her dance then creates the music around it, which to me seems much harder. I find it intersting that she would go about it this way, becasue to me, it would be hard to dance without music to dance to, and then to translate that music into dance would be nearly impossible for me.

The last thing I found to be interesting is the fact that she likes working with a group. I see artisits as individuals who find corraborating difficult. I think that would get in the way of an idea.

I also appriciate how she says theres no right way to do things and to try old and new ideas and be creative.

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